Source code for download

import json
import os
import pathlib
import time
from typing import List, Optional

import joblib
import onnx
import requests
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from planetsca import search

[docs] def order( api_key: str, id_list: List[str], filter: dict, item_type: str = "PSScene", bundle_type: str = "analytic_sr_udm2", ) -> str: """ Builds payload for Planet API and submits an order. Parameters ---------- api_key: str Planet API key id_list: List[str] Item id that contains date and location information filter: dict Dictionary containing data filter information item_type: str Class of spacecraft and/or processing level of an item, defaults to PSScene. See bundle_type: str Groups of assets for an item and contain metadata, defaults to analytic_sr_udm2. See Returns ------- order_url: str URL from which to download image from Planet API """ # build payload payload = build_payload( id_list, search.get_filter(filter, "GeometryFilter")["config"]["coordinates"], item_type, bundle_type, ) # submit payload and get order url order_url = order_now(api_key, payload) return order_url
[docs] def build_payload( item_ids: List[str], aoi_coordinates: List[float], item_type: str, bundle_type: str ) -> dict: """ Helper function building payload for the Planet API Parameters ---------- item_ids: List[str] Item id that contains date and location information aoi_coordinates: List[float] Area of interest coordinates item_type: str Class of spacecraft and/or processing level of an item, defaults to PSScene. See bundle_type: str Groups of assets for an item and contain metadata, defaults to analytic_sr_udm2. See Returns ------- payload: dict Dictionary containing all necessary information for the Planet API """ payload = { "name": item_ids[0], # use the first item id as a name for this order payload "source_type": "scenes", "products": [ { "item_ids": item_ids, "item_type": item_type, "product_bundle": bundle_type, } ], "tools": [ {"clip": {"aoi": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": aoi_coordinates}}} ], } return payload
[docs] def order_now(api_key, payload): """ Helper function for ordering data from Planet Parameters ---------- api_key: str Planet API key payload: dict Dictionary containing all necessary information for the Planet API Returns ---------- order_url: str URL from which to download image from Planet API """ orders_url = "" response = orders_url, data=json.dumps(payload), auth=HTTPBasicAuth(api_key, ""), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}, ) # print(response) if response.status_code == 202: order_id = response.json()["id"] url = f"{order_id}" # feature_check = requests.get(url, auth=(PLANET_API_KEY, "")) feature_check = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(api_key, "")) if feature_check.status_code == 200: print( f"Submitted a total of {len(feature_check.json()['products'][0]['item_ids'])} image ids: accepted a total of {len(feature_check.json()['products'][0]['item_ids'])} ids" ) order_url = f"{order_id}" print(f"Order URL: {order_url}") return order_url else: print(f"Failed with Exception code : {response.status_code}") return response
[docs] def download( api_key: str, order_url: str, out_dirpath: str, overwrite: bool = False ) -> None: """ Helper function for downloading the ordered data from Planet, makes a download request every 60 seconds until data is ready to download Parameters ---------- api_key: str Planet API key order_url: str Order urls created from prepare_submit_orders() out_dirpath: str Path to output directory overwrite: bool Whether or not to overwrite existing files, defaults to False Returns ---------- None """ print("Attempting to download") request_fufilled = True counter = 1 while request_fufilled: r = requests.get(order_url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(api_key, "")) try: if r.status_code == 200: response = r.json() results = response["_links"]["results"] results_urls = [r["location"] for r in results] results_names = [r["name"] for r in results] print("{} items to download".format(len(results_urls))) for url, name in zip(results_urls, results_names): path = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(out_dirpath, name)) if overwrite or not path.exists(): print("downloading {} to {}".format(name, path)) r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) open(path, "wb").write(r.content) else: print("{} already exists, skipping {}".format(path, name)) else: print(f"Failed with response {r.status_code}") request_fufilled = False # Data isn't ready yet except Exception: print("data not ready yet, this was attempt number {}".format(counter)) print("will automatically try again in 60 seconds") # TODO: use warning or logging to handle these cases counter += 1 r.close() time.sleep(60) print("Completed downloads") return None
[docs] def retrieve_dataset(filename: str, out_dirpath: Optional[str] = ".") -> str: """ Downloads sample datasets for PlanetSCA model from Hugging Face Parameters ---------- filename: str Filename of one of the PlanetSCA files on Hugging Face, see list of files here: out_dirpath: Optional[str] Path to directory to save file Returns --------- filepath: str Path to local file """ filepath = hf_hub_download( repo_id="geo-smart/planetsca_datasets", repo_type="dataset", filename=filename, local_dir=out_dirpath, ) return filepath
[docs] def retrieve_model(out_dirpath: Optional[str] = None) -> RandomForestClassifier: """ Downloads pre-trained PlanetSCA model from Hugging Face Parameters: out_dirpath: Optional[str] Path to directory to save pre-trained model file Returns ---------- model: RandomForestClassifier The trained PlanetSCA model """ # download model file from Hugging Face filepath = hf_hub_download( repo_id="geo-smart/planetsca_models", filename="random_forest_20240116_binary_174K.joblib", local_dir=out_dirpath, ) # open the model that was just downloaded model = joblib.load(filepath) return model
[docs] def retrieve_model_onnx( out_dirpath: Optional[str] = None, ) -> onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto: """ Downloads pre-trained PlanetSCA model from Hugging Face (ONNX format) Parameters: out_dirpath: Optional[str] Path to directory to save pre-trained model file Returns ---------- model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto The trained PlanetSCA model (ONNX format) """ # download model file from Hugging Face filepath = hf_hub_download( repo_id="geo-smart/planetsca_models", filename="random_forest_20240116_binary_174K.onnx", local_dir=out_dirpath, ) # open the model that was just downloaded model = onnx.load(filepath) return model