Source code for predict

import glob
import os
from typing import List, Union

import joblib
import numpy as np
import onnx
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from onnxruntime import InferenceSession
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

[docs] def check_inputs( planet_path: Union[str, List[str]], model: Union[str, RandomForestClassifier], output_dirpath: str = "", ) -> int: """ Check the inputs for the predict_sca function Parameters ---------- planet_path: str or List[str] file path to a single PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) image, a list of file paths, or path to a directory containing multiple SR images model: Union[str, RandomForestClassifier] file path to a model joblib file, or an sklearn.ensemble RandomForestClassifier model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored Returns ---------- file_list: List[str] a list of filepaths to PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) images model: RandomForestClassifier an sklearn.ensemble RandomForestClassifier model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored """ # if output directory is not empty if output_dirpath != "": # check if the directory already exists if not os.path.exists(output_dirpath): # create the output directory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(output_dirpath) # check if planet_path is a list if isinstance(planet_path, list): # make sure that each file exists if all(os.path.isfile(filepath) for filepath in planet_path): # then the file list is what was provided in planet_path file_list = planet_path # otherwise planet_path should be a string elif isinstance(planet_path, str): # if planet_path is a directory, then find all images with 'SR' flag, meaning surface reflectance data if os.path.isdir(planet_path): file_list = glob.glob(planet_path + "/**/*SR*.tif", recursive=True) # otherwise we are working with a single planet image elif os.path.isfile(planet_path): file_list = [planet_path] # if provided with a filepath to a model file if isinstance(model, str) and os.path.isfile(model): # open the model print(f"Reading model from file: {model}") model = joblib.load(model) # otherwise "model" is already our RandomForestClassifier model return file_list, model, output_dirpath
[docs] def predict_sca( planet_path: Union[str, List[str]], model: Union[str, RandomForestClassifier], output_dirpath: str = "", nodata_flag: int = 9, ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """ This function predicts binary snow cover from PlanetScope satellite images using an ONNX random forest model Parameters ---------- planet_path: str or List[str] file path to a single PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) image, a list of file paths, or path to a directory containing multiple SR images model: Union[str, RandomForestClassifier] file path to a model joblib file, or an sklearn.ensemble RandomForestClassifier model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored nodata_flag: int the value used to represent no data in the predicted snow cover image, default value is 9 Returns ---------- sca_image_paths: List[str] list of file paths to the SCA images produced """ # file_list, model, output_dirpath = check_inputs(planet_path, model, output_dirpath) # make an empty list to populate with finished sca image filepaths sca_image_paths = [] # open and apply the model to each image in the list for f in file_list: print("Start to predict:".format(), os.path.basename(f)) with, "r") as ds: arr = # read all raster values if arr.shape[0] > 4: # if we have more than 4 bands print( "Input image has more than the expected 4 bands (blue, green, red, NIR). \ This function will continue running using the first four bands in the input image." ) # TODO: use UserWarning, warnings, or logging module to handle messages like this arr = arr[:4, :, :] # use only the first four # TODO: add functionality for other cases where we have more than 4 bands (e.g. using NDVI or pseudo-NDSI) print("Image dimension:".format(), arr.shape) X_img = pd.DataFrame(arr.reshape([4, -1]).T) X_img.columns = ["blue", "green", "red", "nir"] X_img = X_img / 10000 # scale surface reflectance to 0-1 X_img["nodata_flag"] = np.where( X_img["blue"] == 0, -1, 1 ) # wherever blue band is zero, set to nodata value of -1 # run model prediction y_img = model.predict(X_img.iloc[:, 0:4]) out_img = pd.DataFrame() out_img["label"] = y_img out_img["nodata_flag"] = X_img["nodata_flag"] out_img["label"] = np.where( out_img["nodata_flag"] == -1, nodata_flag, out_img["label"] ) # where we set to -1, set to new nodata_flag value # Reshape our classification map img_prediction = out_img["label"].to_numpy().reshape(arr[0, :, :].shape) # save the resulting SCA image out as a geotiff file_out = os.path.join( output_dirpath, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] + "_SCA.tif" ) print("Save SCA map to: ".format(), file_out) with file_out, "w", driver="GTiff", transform=ds.transform, dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=1,, width=ds.width, height=ds.height, nodata=nodata_flag, ) as dst: dst.write(img_prediction, indexes=1, masked=True) sca_image_paths.append(file_out) return sca_image_paths
[docs] def predict_with_onnxruntime( model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto, X: np.array ) -> np.array: """ Run a prediction with an ONNX model Parameters ---------- model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto an onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto model object X: np.array an array of input data of shape (n_samples, 4) Returns ---------- predictions: np.array an array of predicted labels for snow (1) or no snow (0) of shape (n_samples, 4) """ sess = InferenceSession(model.SerializeToString()) input_name = sess.get_inputs()[0].name res =, {input_name: X.astype(np.float32)}) predictions = res[0] return predictions
[docs] def check_inputs_onnx( planet_path: Union[str, List[str]], model: Union[str, onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto], output_dirpath: str = "", ) -> int: """ Check the inputs for the predict_sca_onnx function Parameters ---------- planet_path: str or List[str] file path to a single PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) image, a list of file paths, or path to a directory containing multiple SR images model: Union[str, onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto] file path to a model onnx file, or an onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored Returns ---------- file_list: List[str] a list of filepaths to PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) images model: onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto an onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored """ # if output directory is not empty if output_dirpath != "": # check if the directory already exists if not os.path.exists(output_dirpath): # create the output directory if it does not already exist os.mkdir(output_dirpath) # check if planet_path is a list if isinstance(planet_path, list): # make sure that each file exists if all(os.path.isfile(filepath) for filepath in planet_path): # then the file list is what was provided in planet_path file_list = planet_path # otherwise planet_path should be a string elif isinstance(planet_path, str): # if planet_path is a directory, then find all images with 'SR' flag, meaning surface reflectance data if os.path.isdir(planet_path): file_list = glob.glob(planet_path + "/**/*SR*.tif", recursive=True) # otherwise we are working with a single planet image elif os.path.isfile(planet_path): file_list = [planet_path] # if provided with a filepath to a model file if isinstance(model, str) and os.path.isfile(model): # open the model print(f"Reading model from file: {model}") model = onnx.load(model) # otherwise "model" is already our RandomForestClassifier model return file_list, model, output_dirpath
[docs] def predict_sca_onnx( planet_path: Union[str, List[str]], model: Union[str, onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto], output_dirpath: str = "", nodata_flag: int = 9, ) -> Union[str, List[str]]: """ This function predicts binary snow cover from PlanetScope satellite images using an ONNX random forest model Parameters ---------- planet_path: str or List[str] file path to a single PlanetScope surface reflectance (SR) image, a list of file paths, or path to a directory containing multiple SR images model: Union[str, onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto] file path to a model onnx file, or an onnx.onnx_ml_pb2.ModelProto model object output_dirpath: str the directory where output snow cover images will be stored nodata_flag: int the value used to represent no data in the predicted snow cover image, default value is 9 Returns ---------- sca_image_paths: List[str] list of file paths to the SCA images produced """ # file_list, model, output_dirpath = check_inputs_onnx( planet_path, model, output_dirpath ) # make an empty list to populate with finished sca image filepaths sca_image_paths = [] # open and apply the model to each image in the list for f in file_list: print("Start to predict:".format(), os.path.basename(f)) with, "r") as ds: arr = # read all raster values if arr.shape[0] > 4: # if we have more than 4 bands print( "Input image has more than the expected 4 bands (blue, green, red, NIR). \ This function will continue running using the first four bands in the input image." ) # TODO: use UserWarning, warnings, or logging module to handle messages like this arr = arr[:4, :, :] # use only the first four # TODO: add functionality for other cases where we have more than 4 bands (e.g. using NDVI or pseudo-NDSI) print("Image dimension:".format(), arr.shape) X_img = pd.DataFrame(arr.reshape([4, -1]).T) X_img.columns = ["blue", "green", "red", "nir"] X_img = X_img / 10000 # scale surface reflectance to 0-1 X_img["nodata_flag"] = np.where( X_img["blue"] == 0, -1, 1 ) # wherever blue band is zero, set to nodata value of -1 # run model prediction with onnxruntime y_img = predict_with_onnxruntime(model, X_img.iloc[:, 0:4].to_numpy()) out_img = pd.DataFrame() out_img["label"] = y_img out_img["nodata_flag"] = X_img["nodata_flag"] out_img["label"] = np.where( out_img["nodata_flag"] == -1, nodata_flag, out_img["label"] ) # where we set to -1, set to new nodata_flag value # Reshape our classification map img_prediction = out_img["label"].to_numpy().reshape(arr[0, :, :].shape) # save the resulting SCA image out as a geotiff file_out = os.path.join( output_dirpath, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] + "_SCA.tif" ) print("Save SCA map to: ".format(), file_out) with file_out, "w", driver="GTiff", transform=ds.transform, dtype=rasterio.uint8, count=1,, width=ds.width, height=ds.height, nodata=nodata_flag, ) as dst: dst.write(img_prediction, indexes=1, masked=True) sca_image_paths.append(file_out) return sca_image_paths