Source code for search

from typing import List, Literal

import geopandas as gpd
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from shapely.geometry import shape

from planetsca import simplify_aoi

[docs] def response_to_gdf(response: requests.Response, filter: dict): """ Creates geodataframe of image IDs and other information from a Planet API response Parameters ---------- response: requests.Response Response object from the Planet API containing information about images that matched search criteria filter: dict Dictionary containing data filter information Returns ------- gdf: geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame containing information about the Planet images returned by the search """ domain_geometry = shape(get_filter(filter, "GeometryFilter")["config"]) # view available data and prepare the list of planet IDs to download geojson_data = response.json() gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geojson_data["features"]) # Add a new column to 'gdf' with the intersection area gdf["intersection_area"] = gdf["geometry"].intersection(domain_geometry).area # Calculate the percentage overlap gdf["overlap_percentage"] = (gdf["intersection_area"] / domain_geometry.area) * 100 # get image IDs and add to geodataframe gdf["id"] = [feature["id"] for idx, feature in enumerate(geojson_data["features"])] return gdf
[docs] def make_domain_geometry_from_bounds(bounds: List[float]): """ Make a shapely geometry polygon from from longitude and latitude bounds (a rectangular area) Parameters ---------- bounds: list[float] longitude and latitude coordinates of the area, in the order [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] Returns ------- geo_json_geometry: dict a geojson-like dictionary domain_geometry: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon shaply geometry polygon defined by these bounds """ [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] = bounds # create a geojson-like geometry dictionary geo_json_geometry = { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [minLon, minLat], # lower left corner [maxLon, minLat], # lower right corner [maxLon, maxLat], # upper right corner [minLon, maxLat], # upper left corner [minLon, minLat], # lower left corner again ] ], } # create a shapely geometry domain_geometry = shape(geo_json_geometry) return geo_json_geometry, domain_geometry
[docs] def make_geometry_filter_from_bounds(bounds: List[float]) -> dict: """ Make a geometry filter dictionary for the Planet API from longitude and latitude bounds (a rectangular search area) Parameters ---------- bounds: list[float] longitude and latitude coordinates of the area, in the order [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] Returns ------- geometry_filter: dict dictionary geometry filter for the Planet API geometry: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon shaply geometry polygon defined by these bounds """ # create a geojson-like geometry dictionary geo_json_geometry, _ = make_domain_geometry_from_bounds(bounds) # create the geometry filter for the Planet API geometry_filter = { "type": "GeometryFilter", "field_name": "geometry", "config": geo_json_geometry, } return geometry_filter
[docs] def make_geometry_filter_from_geojson(geojson_filepath: str) -> dict: """ Make a geometry filter dictionary for the Planet API from a geojson file path Parameters ---------- geojson_filepath: str Path to the geojson file to be turned into a filter Returns ------- geometry_filter: dict dictionary geometry filter for the Planet API """ coords = simplify_aoi.get_coordinates(geojson_filepath) geo_json_geometry = { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [coords], } # create the geometry filter for the Planet API geometry_filter = { "type": "GeometryFilter", "field_name": "geometry", "config": geo_json_geometry, } return geometry_filter
[docs] def make_date_range_filter(start_date: str, end_date: str) -> dict: """ Make a date range filter dictionary for the Planet API Parameters ---------- start_date: str start date (UTC) in the format 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ' (e.g. '2023-07-25T00:00:00Z') end_date: str end date (UTC) in the format 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ' (e.g. '2023-07-25T00:00:00Z') Returns ------- date_range_filter: dict dictionary date range filter for the Planet API """ # filter images acquired in a certain date range date_range_filter = { "type": "DateRangeFilter", "field_name": "acquired", "config": {"gte": start_date, "lte": end_date}, } return date_range_filter
[docs] def make_cloud_cover_filter(lte: float, gte: float = 0) -> dict: """ Make a cloud cover filter dictionary for the Planet API Parameters ---------- lte: float cloud cover less than or equal to gte: float cloud cover greater than or equal to value, defaults to 0 Returns ------- cloud_cover_filter: dict dictionary cloud cover filter for the Planet API """ cloud_cover_filter = { "type": "RangeFilter", "field_name": "cloud_cover", "config": {"gte": gte, "lte": lte}, } return cloud_cover_filter
[docs] def combine_filters( filters: List[dict], combine_with: Literal["and", "or"] = "and" ) -> dict: """ Combine two or more filters with either an AND, or an OR operator Parameters ---------- filters: List[dict] list of filters to combine with AND combine_with: Literal['and', 'or'] specify whether to combine filters with an AND, or an OR operator (defaults to AND) Returns ------- filter: dict combined filters for the Planet API """ if combine_with == "and": type = "AndFilter" elif combine_with == "or": type = "OrFilter" filter = { "type": type, "config": filters, } return filter
[docs] def get_filter( filter: dict, filter_type: Literal[ "GeometryFilter", "DateRangeFilter", "RangeFilter", "AndFilter", "OrFilter" ], ): """ Return an individual filter from a dictionary containing multiple Planet API search filters created with search_filters.combine_filters() Parameters ---------- filter: dict Filter dict filter_type: Literal["GeometryFilter", "DateRangeFilter", "RangeFilter", "AndFilter", "OrFilter"] Specify which sub-filter we want to return Returns ------- sub_filter: dict sub-filter within the larger filter dict """ sub_filter = next(item for item in filter["config"] if item["type"] == filter_type) return sub_filter