Source code for train

import time
import warnings
from typing import Optional

import geopandas as gpd
import joblib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from rasterio import features
from rasterio.enums import MergeAlg
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold, cross_val_score


[docs] def vector_rasterize( labeled_polygons_filepath: str, training_image_filepath: str, rasterized_mask_output_filepath: str = None, ): """ Helper function for converting vector file to a raster file Parameters ---------- labeled_polygons_filepath: str File path to shapefile or geojson file with labeled polygons training_image_filepath: str File path to Planet Scope image rasterized_mask_output_filepath: Optional[str] Optional: file path to output the rasterized labeled polygons to a geotiff file (defaults to None) Returns ------- rasterized: np.array Rasterized version of the vector file """ vector = gpd.read_file(labeled_polygons_filepath) # Get list of geometries for all features in vector file list(vector.geometry) # Open example raster raster = # reproject vector to raster vector = vector.to_crs( # create tuples of geometry, value pairs, where value is the attribute value you want to burn geom_value = ( (geom, value) for geom, value in zip(vector.geometry, vector["label"]) ) # Rasterize vector using the shape and transform of the raster rasterized = features.rasterize( geom_value, out_shape=raster.shape, transform=raster.transform, all_touched=True, fill=9, # background value merge_alg=MergeAlg.replace, dtype=np.float32, ) if isinstance(rasterized_mask_output_filepath, str): print( f"Saving rasterized labeled polygons to: {rasterized_mask_output_filepath}" ) with rasterized_mask_output_filepath, "w", driver="GTiff", transform=raster.transform, dtype=rasterio.float32, count=1, width=raster.width, height=raster.height, ) as dst: dst.write(rasterized, indexes=1) return rasterized
[docs] def data_training_new( labeled_polygons_filepath: str, training_image_filepath: str, training_data_filepath: Optional[str] = None, rasterized_mask_output_filepath: Optional[str] = None, ndvi: Optional[bool] = False, ): """ Creates training data from scratch Parameters ---------- labeled_polygons_filepath: str File path to shapefile or geojson file with labeled polygons training_image_filepath: str File path to Planet Scope image training_data_filepath: Optional[str] Optional: file path to output training data dataframe as a csv file (defaults to None) rasterized_mask_output_filepath: Optional[str] Optional: file path to output the rasterized labeled polygons to a geotiff file (defaults to None) ndvi: Optional[bool] Optional: Set to True to compute the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and add to training data DataFrame Returns ------- training_data_df: DataFrame pandas DataFrame of training data """ # rasterize labeled polygons (our Regions of Interest, or ROI) ROI = vector_rasterize( labeled_polygons_filepath=labeled_polygons_filepath, training_image_filepath=training_image_filepath, rasterized_mask_output_filepath=rasterized_mask_output_filepath, ) # save surface reflectance and label to csv file N_scale = 10000.0 img = img_read = / N_scale df_img = pd.DataFrame(img_read.reshape([4, -1]).T) df_label = pd.DataFrame(ROI.reshape([1, -1]).T) training_data_df = pd.concat([df_img, df_label], axis=1) training_data_df.columns = ["blue", "green", "red", "nir", "label"] if ndvi: training_data_df["ndvi"] = ( training_data_df["nir"] - training_data_df["red"] ) / (training_data_df["nir"] + training_data_df["red"]) training_data_df = training_data_df[training_data_df.label != 9] training_data_df.label = np.where( training_data_df.label > 0, 1, 0 ) # any labels with a value > 0 is set to 1 if isinstance(training_data_filepath, str): print(f"Saving training data DataFrame to: {training_data_filepath}") training_data_df.to_csv(training_data_filepath, index=False) return training_data_df.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def train_model( df_train: pd.DataFrame, new_model_filepath: str, new_model_score_filepath: str, n_estimators: int = 10, max_depth: int = 10, max_features: int = 4, random_state: Optional[int] = None, n_splits: int = 2, n_repeats: int = 2, ) -> RandomForestClassifier: """ Trains and creates a new model with custom parameters Parameters ---------- df_train: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing training data, must have feature columns 'blue', 'green', 'red', 'nir' and target column 'label' new_model_filepath: str Filepath to save the model as a joblib file new_model_score_filepath: str Filepath to save the model score information as a csv file n_estimators: int Number of trees in the forest, defaults to 10 max_depth: int Maximum depth of the tree, defaults to 10 max_features: int Number of features to consider when looking for the best split, defaults to 4 random_state: int Seed to ensure reproducibility, defaults to None n_splits: int Number of folds in the cross-validation, defaults to 2 n_repeats: int Number of times cross-validator needs to be repeated, defaults to 2 Returns ------- model: RandomForestClassifier The newly trained model """ starttime = time.process_time() X = df_train[["blue", "green", "red", "nir"]] y = df_train["label"] # pre-process ndvi value to -1.0 to 1.0; fill nan to finite value # X[X['ndvi']< -1.0]['ndvi'] = -1.0 # X[X['ndvi']> 1.0]['ndvi'] = 1.0 # X[np.isfinite(X['ndvi']) == False]['ndvi'] = np.nan # define the model model = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_depth=max_depth, max_features=max_features, random_state=random_state, ) # evaluate the model cv = RepeatedStratifiedKFold( n_splits=n_splits, n_repeats=n_repeats, random_state=random_state ) n_accuracy = cross_val_score( model, X, y, scoring="accuracy", cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, error_score="raise" ) n_f1 = cross_val_score( model, X, y, scoring="f1", cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, error_score="raise" ) n_balanced_accuracy = cross_val_score( model, X, y, scoring="balanced_accuracy", cv=cv, n_jobs=-1, error_score="raise", ) # report performance plt.hist(n_f1) print("Repeat times:".format(), len(n_f1)) print("F1-score: %.5f (%.5f)" % (n_f1.mean(), n_f1.std())) print( "Balanced Accuracy: %.5f (%.5f)" % (n_balanced_accuracy.mean(), n_balanced_accuracy.std()) ) print("Accuracy: %.5f (%.5f)" % (n_accuracy.mean(), n_accuracy.std())) # fit model with all observations, y) # save model joblib.dump(model, new_model_filepath) print(f"Model saved to {new_model_filepath}") # save accuracy scores = pd.DataFrame() scores["accuracy"] = n_accuracy scores["f1"] = n_f1 scores["balanced_accuracy"] = n_balanced_accuracy scores.to_csv(new_model_score_filepath, index=False) print(f"Model scores saved to {new_model_score_filepath}") print("Total time used:".format(), round(time.process_time() - starttime, 1)) return model